Music has the power to Unify People, Spark Change, Inspire Peace, End Wars    


What About Us has a wonderful team of talented and caring bloggers who are writing inspiring, educational, and topical blogs.

The blogs cover our progress with the What About Us live stage experience as well as the individual and related projects that the team are supporting. Being anti-war we also like to challenge the status quo and hold leaderships to account in our belief that protecting the human rights of all individuals is an essential.   

We hope you will enjoy reading our Blogs

Give Bats a Chance

Bats hold so much importance for our lives through insect pest predation, pollination, and the potential for immortality!

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Sailing in choppy waters

Given the long standing emnity between Greece and Turkey, which goes as far back in history as theold, now defunct Ottoman empire, it is no surprise that the tensions between

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