‘This is the year, this is the fight, this is where were going to find the light, this is the time this is the way, this is when we’ll stop being afraid.’
These are the lyrics in the chorus of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus’s new song that they released mid November. After facing a difficult year, specifically a global pandemic, their democracy at risk and protests for justice, the Youth Chorus have come out the other side stronger than ever before. They have created an opportunity to reimagine their world.

These opportunities emerged from completely rebuilding and pivoting the ‘normal’ logistics of what it takes to run a choir. With new technology that allows the singers to record music together but from afar we began to see a new approach to collaborative song writing. The song writing that takes place is focused around the dialogue of students own journeys. By the end of the year each member with write their own song backed up by their friends and each group will collaborate on an original song and music video.
This program will allow the singers to raise their voices and share their vision with a wider audience. The Jerusalem Youth Chorus are not only a choir but a dialogue program. From the group they will learn life-long skills in relation to teamwork, resolving conflict and the true power of collective voice.

The choirs first remotely created song is ‘This is the Year’. The video opens with a member of the group explaining how times are uncertain and that we have had to cope with so much change. But despite this, there is something that remains the same. This being ‘the unity we have committed to each other as people, to help and understand one and other even in the darkest time’. With that support, nobody will be alone. It is certainly clear we could all learn something from this group.
In the video, the members explain what they are excited for within the coming year. The answers range from general desires to small meaningful wishes which we can all relate to.
- ‘Travelling & not being afraid of everything’
- ‘Meeting people’
- ‘Meet without distance’
- ‘Make new memories’
- ‘Singing without a mask would be cool’
The say that they will create till the end. Creating for artists during this time is incredibly important in terms of a sense of purpose, sharing, collaboration and the search for meaning. The Jerusalem Youth Chorus are continuing their work as a result of these driving factors. Along with this and their beautiful mix of voices, they have an incredibly important message to share and are already becoming leaders of their generation.
I invite you to watch their first music video and keep up to date with the group by following them on Facebook. One of the many inspiring goals of the youth choir is changing the Israeli-Palestinian relationship through song, embracing their different cultures, identities, religions and life experiences, to come together as one. We absolutely need to watch this space as I have no doubt that there are magnificent things to come.
Learn More, Do More:
- Jerusalem Youth Chorus Website: https://jerusalemyouthchorus.org/
- Jerusalem Youth Chorus viral song, ‘Home’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMkqMTK1_O0&feature=youtu.be
- Jerusalem Youth Chorus Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jerusalemyouthchorus