As the Corona virus spreads across the whole world, we are seeing and hearing stories that we never expected in the 21st century. This virus has taken over and is creating chaos, suffering, loss of life and a huge economic fallout. People are understandably anxious and frightened. They are confined to their homes, out of their routines and with plenty of time to think.
Amid all this chaos and fear, there are healthcare workers who are putting their lives at risk to save us. As a nurse myself, but not exactly on the frontline, I have been moved by the most amazing stories of selflessness out there.

I was aware of how hard the frontline doctors and nurses are working, those in the Emergency rooms and ICU’s. But it is not only while on duty these heroes are making sacrifices. Many of them also must sacrifice personal and family lives. One story stopped me in my tracks.

An Emergency Room nurse tells the story of how she will kiss her husband and kids for the last time tonight for who knows how long. Tomorrow after work she will need to isolate from them. She will enter her house through her laundry room door, strip naked, put all her clothes to the wash and then make her way to her room wrapped in a towel to shower and sanitize before she can enter the family room where she must keep a distance of six feet from them. She will eat dinner prepared by her husband on disposable dinnerware and attempt to sip wine from a plastic cup. Then she will retire to a separate bedroom alone. Repeat every day and even on days off. How lonely not to be able to give or receive human touch from those that love you the most when you need it the most. And for how long?
That is like something you see in a horror movie. Scary, isn’t it? Very tough and lonely for her. She is just one of many. So many healthcare workers on the frontline are in similar situations. Some even need to move out completely due to underlying health conditions in family members.

She asks us all to stay home. Her message is “Hug your children, sleep with your spouse, eat on porcelain plates, sip wine from a long-stemmed glass and give thanks for the things you can still do which others can’t.”
“Hug your children, sleep with your spouse, eat on porcelain plates, sip wine from a long-stemmed glass and give thanks for the things you can still do which others can’t.” Nurse
So, while this current crisis is causing hardship for everyone, please remember the doctors and nurses who are not only risking their lives but are making huge personal sacrifices for us.

They are doing their part, please do yours!