What About Us is a live stage musical currently being developed by international musicians from countries who may have been affected by war and terror such as Israel, Palestine and Ireland. The Musical which will launch in 2022 addresses many of this generation’s societal issues such as war, climate change and refugee migration.
On Saturday night 15th August groups of musicians from Israel, Palestine, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Turkey, India, England and Egypt broadcast a concert event live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Over 30 musicians participated, the event was produced by the What About Us creative team of Shoshi Israeli (in Israel for the event) Des Cullen (in Ireland) and Aaron Wilkinson (in Portugal).
The concert was a fundraiser for musicians severely affected by the coronavirus and unable to work and support their families. You can watch a replay of the concert here on YouTube
Sophia Tuv one of the participating musicians commented “The coronavirus is affecting musicians all over the world. When you hear the individual stories of the hardships of colleagues and friends you are working with it brings home the reality of the challenges and suffering people are facing”.
Sophie and over 50 musicians have been working together for the last 6 months developing original music for the What About Us musical. All of this collaboration has been online because of the Covid 19 pandemic. The recording of Saturday night’s broadcast was the first time many of the musicians had met. Shoshi commented “It was amazing to see and feel the warmth between the musicians, people all committed to helping the most vulnerable people in our society”

In the week ahead of the concert the What Abut team launched their social media channels and a promotional video produced by Sophia enjoyed over 24,000 views. The What About Us Facebook page now has over 1,000 followers.

You can also follow What About Us The Musical on:
The team will use the social media channels to update their followers on progress with the musical as well as on key societal and environmental that impact us all. #whataboutustm

Shoshi’s words put the event in perspective “We have musicians showing the way, by their actions and commitment to each other, promoting harmony and peace over war and love over hate. All the musicians gave of their time to prepare for the concert and everyone is so delighted to associate themselves with supporting other artists who have truly little. Thank you everyone”

The financial target was exceeded, and all the money raised will go directly to musicians most in need of support.