Collen’s participation in the Great Dublin Bike Ride was born out of conversations between staff members who shared a common love of cycling and the outdoors. Collen, who are an 8th generation family owned company established in 1810 and based in East Wall since 1890, pride themselves on balancing company interests with those of its employees and the wider community.
An interest was expressed by some Collen employees, who would cycle regularly, to go out as a social get together in their spare time or take part in an organised cycling sportive. However, that idea quickly evolved from being a handful of keen experienced cyclists to a larger number of enthusiastic employees who hadn’t cycled in years but had a desire to get back out on the saddle. It was clear that people wanted a personal fitness challenge too.

As part of Collen’s ongoing commitment to improving employee well-being at work, the Company was pleased to support the event. A committee was formed, tasked with looking at options for a suitable platform that would provide staff with a safe, enjoyable but challenging experience and encourage them onto a bike and hopefully reignite a lost hobby from their youths. It was important to cater for a wide spectrum of staff; from the experienced rider to the novice. During the course of several months of planning, sponsors were invited to provide funding which allowed the committee to purchase Collen branding elite cycling clothing for all participants. The Great Dublin Bike Ride 2015 was chosen as the preferred event to take part in. This event provided a safe, marshalled route with food stops and closed roads and seemed to meet the needs of the Collen participants. A 100km or 60km route was possible, which again catered for the experience or novice participant.
Collen Charity Cycle Team 2019 Collen Charity Cycle 2019 – Phoenix Park
Staff were encouraged to fundraise for their own participation and coupled with the funds left over from the sponsors, Collen were able to engage with the local community where all proceeds raised were in aid of three local charities. Aoibhneas (Women and Children refuge), Sean O Casey Community Centre (East Wall Youth, Senior Citizens, and Men’s Shed) and The Light House (Homeless Support Centre).

Collen Charity Cycle team have now participated 4 years running in the Great Dublin Bike Ride and money raised for local charities exceeds €55,000. We are immensely proud of what has been achieved in the 4 years, both for the much- needed funds raised for worthy causes and for the positive buzz created within the company when the event rolls round each year. A massive thank you goes to the Sponsors: Kendra Civil Engineering, Leonard Engineering (Ballybay) Ltd, McKeon Bros Ltd, PJ Personnel, STS Group and Writech Ltd for their continued support and participation in the Collen Charity Cycle. Last year was their 4th year to support this charitable event and help raise funds for the local community, making a huge difference in the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.