Aizhana Danabekova | 10 Oct 2018, 12:00 pm
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that if global warming continues at its current rate, the global temperature can rise by 1.5 C between 2030 and 2052. Petteri Taalas, the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, said in Geneva “there is clearly need for a much higher ambition level to reach even a 2 degrees target, we are moving more towards 3 to 5 (degrees) at the moment.” This, in turn, will have a catastrophic effect on water scarcity, global food production and will almost completely destroy global coral reefs.
The scientists believe that the temperature increasing by two degrees will lead to the large-scale forest and an increase in mortality from heat. Rising sea levels, in turn, will affect 10 million people by 2100. They pointed that oceans are already suffering from increased acidity and lower oxygen levels due to climate change. Consequently, fishers can lose up to three million tons of fish.
It should be reminded that in 2015, 197 countries signed the Paris Climate Agreement, which agreed to prevent an average temperature rise of more than two degrees on Earth by 2100. However, US President Donald Trump announced last year that the country was about to withdraw from the agreement since its conditions would threaten job losses for 2.7 million people. Besides, the Brazilian presidential candidate Jeir Bolsonaro announced his withdrawal from the deal to open the Amazon’s tropical resorts for agribusiness. Although the UN report will be presented to governments at the Climate Conference in Poland at the end of this year, analysts give disappointing forecasts, as most countries will try to protect their production.